Saturday, August 21, 2010

AIM Update

hey, guess what? i have a blog! lol sorry, life's just been so crazy...
but i'm gonna do my best to keep you updated on aim life via my blog. so...spread the word! =)
there are so many ppl i haven't gotten to talk to in awhile that i'm dying to but i just haven't had any time. sadness. but it's just been crazy, esp. this past week. had our first ed wharton test wednessday...ask daniel =p or any other past aimer for that matter lol. his tests are is his teaching lol (spen four hours studying for that thing =p ) anyway, but besides the past two first free evenings with no hw all week long...or longer...i've been up til about 1 and getting up at 6:30 or's been exausting and sometimes emotionally draining too...cuz there's no down time...or quiet time, for God, for that matter either. and with all our trips on the weekends (we're going to clovis NM today) it's just crazy lol...kinda hard to juggle everything, to find a balance: btwn study, socialize, sleep, quiet time, down prayers for that balance would be greatly appreciated =P
BUT . . . i love it =)most of the classes...and the relationships, are just amazing. i love it.and all that i just shared is only a barely touches on everything...and most of it was negative lol...i didn't even begin sharing the blessings and love and friendships and amazing experiences; the God filled environment i'm experiencing here (in just two short weeks) even among the pain and frustration. it's amazing, and i can't wait for God to break grow me...and to bless me and shower me with his love. God has prepared me for this place, this is where i need to be, and i'm ready.